Greenmount, Bury Yoga flow and sound journey – 2nd June 2024 4.30pm

Louise Ballam will lead us with a thirty minute gentle yin yoga flow into the Shavasana relaxation pose preparing us for the one hour gong session.

Trusted and respected, elder, teacher and guide with forty years experience in creating sounds scapes,  a wisdom carrier for community, growth and transformation, Craig will manifest a sound journey for you to travel on within a safe, sacred environment that brings healing to your mind, body and soul. 

“Craig’s gong baths at Gongholistic are consistently fantastic. His expertise creates a serene atmosphere where you can fully relax and immerse yourself in healing sounds. Craig’s personalised approach, variety of instruments, and consistent quality make each session truly exceptional. Highly recommend for anyone seeking relaxation and balance.
If you’re seeking a powerful way to meditate and improve your sleep, I highly recommend giving gong baths a try with Craig. You won’t be disappointed!”            

PLEASE arrive 15 mins early for your session because you will need this time to settle.

If you think you may be late please text me as we want to lock the doors at 4.30pm.

Let me know in advance if you have any query regarding the suitability of a gong bath for you.
As your heartbeat lowers when you relax during a session, so does your core body temperature. Please bring your warmest blankets, duvet or even a sleeping bag as some often do! This will make your overall experience much more pleasurable.
Come and join us for this amazing 1 Hour relaxation. Not suitable for children under the age of thirteen, people with pacemakers and pregnancy in their first trimester.


Further details Contact:

facebook: @GongHolistic
Craig Winterburn 07910 265 221
E-mail: or phone 07738273775 to book on to this event .


Jun 02 2024


4:30 pm

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